so today for golfin fridays we had robby, gord, mikejoe and myself go out and hit some balls around. compared to last week, we kinda stepped it up a bit. only one mulligan per hole, and thats it. i ended up mulliganing 2 drives that i made and shooting a 44 on a par 34, pretty sick, robby uped his score by one from the past week, mikejoe uped his by 2 and g-rock uped his by 4 i believe, so we all basically killed it, and eh yo leblanc had to work like a sucker. near the end of the day we came across this lady that one time gave me and my little brother beeens a hard time. so me and beeens were shooting some golf balls down the lanes, and we came to the third hole, and just as we were getting to our first shot balls, a ball lands right over our heads. we look back to see this old coot standing on the tee. no four, no waiting, no nothing. -what the fuck- i yell, -you coulda killed my brother you idiot, if you wanted to play through all you had to do was ask-. she didnt say anything, just headed for her ball, and since i was closer i decided to go towards it. once she saw me doing this she says to me -touch that ball and ill knock you out with my club- but she was old, and i was pretty angry so i didnt care. i stood over top of the ball - this one?- and than she said to me -dont you fuckin touch that ball-. i had never heard an old lady swear before, kind of afraid i picked up her ball -this ball you mean?- put that ball down or ill- she was getting pretty close at this point, -you want your ball?, go get it-, and i chucked it into the forest right next to us, she continued to walk past us, giving me and beeeens a death stare the entire time, clearly afraid that we were as big as peices of shit as her and were going to hit balls while she was infront of us. but were not.
but yeah good golf day today, and i owe it to arnold palmer and his beautiful iced tea lemonade mix. sooo good, and stuff, and it gives you lots of energy. and stuff.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
training starts
so yesterday i started a long path towards training to run in a marathon, the underwear affair. i know i know what your thinking 'but mr.loose, dont you get enough training when your running from the cops?' the answer is yes due to me being such a rebel without a cause but marathon running and those short burst runnings from the cops are totally different, apparently you have to train your legs to be able to run for longer lenths of time, instead of just faster than the boys in blue. i just had a visual of the oj simpson chase but with a runner in the lead and 5 or so cops running behind him telling him to stop running, this would be at the end of a long run from the cops, no? anywho this reminds me of a time i couldn't get away from the cops, no amount of running would have helped either. the night started out pretty well, we were skating at the buisiness depot(best spot hands down)and drinking fortys of o.e. we got a little tired of skating so we decided to go into the old abandoned house behind and drink in there. we goofed around, scarred each other it was me, cole, colin, and natalie. than me and colin figured we should go get some more drinks when we ran out. so we left the abandoned house, cole leaving behind an almost full forty. and we headed to the grey goat. as soon as we got there natalie said she didnt want to stay out anymore so her and cole took off. me and colin were still wanting to drink, i mean we each still had one more forty in our backpacks, but we knew we were gonna want more after. we head up the long stairs to the bar, all the lights are off, its closed. so we think for a few minutes and figure out a different bar that might be open. neither of us had watches so we had no idea what time it was. so we head to young street towards a place called rickys. on the way we figure we should chug our fortys of o.e. but we dont want to get busted, and it was starting to rain so we didnt want to get wet. we come across a billboard truck used for advertising. the doors were unlocked so we took it as a sign. hopped in and made ourselves comfortable, and started drinking the 40s. while we were in there we saw licence plates and a bottle of penzoil. i grabbed the licence plates due to my friend steph loving weird random things, and i thought she might like these plates. and colin grabbed the penzoil because he knew we would wanna light stuff on fire later. so we finished the drinks headed to rickys and surprise surprise it was closed. well we were pretty drunk and had that penzoil so we figured we would go get a lighter to light it on fire. we went into a macs milk put the penzoil down on the counter and said'do you sell matches' no he said, and get out of my store. so we did. we knew where there was a different macs milk and we figured we would change the approach on how to get matches. on the way we came across a construction yard and looked for keys in every vehicle, luckly we didnt find any, because that woulda been bad. so after that off we went. we got to the other macs milk and only one of us went in, not holding the penzoil was the other thing we did. the guy gladly gave us matches, and when we asked about heating up food in his microwaves that we were going to buy from dominion, he said of course. so as soon as colin came out with the matches, right outside of the macs we decided to try and light the penzoil on fire after spraying it on the ground. penzoil does not light on fire i guess, cause it didnt. but there was a stack of newspapers right beside us, and since we already wanted to see the blaze of a fire, up those newspapers went in a burning flame, that we sat around and watched for a few minutes. we grew tired of it and headed into the dominion to get some food. now for some reason we took i'd say about 20 minutes to find a good enough meal to heat up, and just as we found them an officer was heading our way right in the frozen food section. 'what are you boys doin' were just gonna get these meals and eat them we said'nope, your comin with me' so we did. we were in the crusers for 1 and a half hours. in seperate crusers. colins cop was gonna let us go, but mine, due to me asking a million stupid questions, one being is this going to ruin my chances of becoming a police officer, mine wanted to make sure we got fully punished. we were charged with arson, and theft under 3000. than we had to walk back to colins house, which took us 3 and a half hours at least, but we stopped at that abandoned house to get the remainder of coles 40 first. our records dissapeared after writting an essay on why we would never do that again, and 20 hours of comunity service. so you see running would not have helped in that situation, because the cops had guns, and guns run faster than any marathong runner.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
the summer of activities
so this summer is definatly the summer of activities, way too much fun. mtb mondays, followed by monday night bowling, backgammon boozedays, horshoe hursdays, and golfin fridays. weekends are left open to either work at the shop or sock-ca sa-eh-days.
mtb mondays consists on ballantyne, shoey, tugboat and myself, maybe more people someday. ive missed the last two times, but the first monday was sick, i was riding my little brothers bike from when he was in around grade 4 and its from canadian tire, i thought i might die but i didnt. There was however this one time that i did die ---flashback wavey thing--- so me and ben, in our prime years of our life, me 19, him 20, pretty much invincable at that time of our lives decided to ride a mountain bike hill. neither of us owned a mountain bike, we both had really old bmx bikes, with no brakes, i hadnt ridden a bike for about 4 years at that point. so we get to the hill and the entire thing is uphill, steep as fuck up hill, as in we shoulda had mountain bikes. now the whole way up me and ben are talking, "man this is gonna be soooo sweet, these hills are so steep as fuck up hill, imagine how fast were gonna be going on the way down", neither of us even thinking about the fact we didnt have breaks. so we get to the top, oh yeah, the entire path was sandy too, like dry and sandy hard sandy type of sandy. so we get to the top, catch our breath and than i lead the way. we were flying, oh yeah we had no saftey anything on either, not even helmets, so yeah we were flying, going so fast, slowing for corner turns dragging our feet, it was going pretty good for about the first minute or so, until right after going over the peak of a hill there was a complete 90 degree turn, if not more, well i tried to put on the breaks, but my feet did pretty much nothing in the way of slowing me down. i dont know if you know those massive sewar pipes, like the ones you can walk in standing straight up, so that is what i went flying off of. now what this sewar faced was a series of step like rock piles for water to gradually get into the creek down below. so i flew off this sewar, cleared the first drop landing on the second drop, so my initial drop was roughly 8-9 feet down. i landed on my bike straight due to the fact as soon as i rode off the sewar pipe i froze, so i landed straight on my bike, and the bike just stopped on the rocks, but due to the fall i bounced up. i flipped over the handle bars, but forgot to let go of the bike, fell down the next drop which was about 3 or so foot drop, landing flat on my back on a pile of rocks, with the bike following me and landing directly ontop of me due to not letting go. so im lying there in so much pain and all i hear "eric, are you alive" and all i could do was laugh, i just laughed while explaining the pain i was in to ben, and while i dragged my bike out of the creek. ben just jumped off his bike. i wish i had done that too. so that was one of the times i used up one of my 9 lives-----flashback wavey thing-----. so yeah mtb mondays, i'm definatly gonna go this up coming monday. monday night bowling is going very good, alot of people, there is even talk of setting up tournaments come the fall due to the amount of people. backgammon boozedays, taught tugboat how to play backgammon, and he loved it which is wicked because up until that night it was only me and dorff. oh man, so when i was teaching tugboat, he went up to the bar to get another drink, and this girl offered to buy him a drink. so he gets the drink, and after he gets it, this guy bumps into him and spilled some of wills drink and (tugboat and will are the same person) so the guy says, sorry i'll buy you another, so will gets another, he comes and gets me, yo these girls bought me a drink, come have one, so we go over there, stand there for about 10 seconds and were both like, lets get back to backgammon, so we do. just before we leave we get a bill for those 2 drinks, so shitty that cider drinks had to be paid for. anywho, backgammon boozedays is on its way to becoming a day, allong with horshoe hursdays, we still have to build the horshoe pit at mikejoes. now golfin fridays has had 2 runs, golf is golf but the highlights mikejoe got a chip in birdie, and leblanc holds the lowest score of 47 on a par 34. gord and robby had wicked games for not having played in so long as well. and there you have it, im sure more will be added but this is it for now,
mtb mondays consists on ballantyne, shoey, tugboat and myself, maybe more people someday. ive missed the last two times, but the first monday was sick, i was riding my little brothers bike from when he was in around grade 4 and its from canadian tire, i thought i might die but i didnt. There was however this one time that i did die ---flashback wavey thing--- so me and ben, in our prime years of our life, me 19, him 20, pretty much invincable at that time of our lives decided to ride a mountain bike hill. neither of us owned a mountain bike, we both had really old bmx bikes, with no brakes, i hadnt ridden a bike for about 4 years at that point. so we get to the hill and the entire thing is uphill, steep as fuck up hill, as in we shoulda had mountain bikes. now the whole way up me and ben are talking, "man this is gonna be soooo sweet, these hills are so steep as fuck up hill, imagine how fast were gonna be going on the way down", neither of us even thinking about the fact we didnt have breaks. so we get to the top, oh yeah, the entire path was sandy too, like dry and sandy hard sandy type of sandy. so we get to the top, catch our breath and than i lead the way. we were flying, oh yeah we had no saftey anything on either, not even helmets, so yeah we were flying, going so fast, slowing for corner turns dragging our feet, it was going pretty good for about the first minute or so, until right after going over the peak of a hill there was a complete 90 degree turn, if not more, well i tried to put on the breaks, but my feet did pretty much nothing in the way of slowing me down. i dont know if you know those massive sewar pipes, like the ones you can walk in standing straight up, so that is what i went flying off of. now what this sewar faced was a series of step like rock piles for water to gradually get into the creek down below. so i flew off this sewar, cleared the first drop landing on the second drop, so my initial drop was roughly 8-9 feet down. i landed on my bike straight due to the fact as soon as i rode off the sewar pipe i froze, so i landed straight on my bike, and the bike just stopped on the rocks, but due to the fall i bounced up. i flipped over the handle bars, but forgot to let go of the bike, fell down the next drop which was about 3 or so foot drop, landing flat on my back on a pile of rocks, with the bike following me and landing directly ontop of me due to not letting go. so im lying there in so much pain and all i hear "eric, are you alive" and all i could do was laugh, i just laughed while explaining the pain i was in to ben, and while i dragged my bike out of the creek. ben just jumped off his bike. i wish i had done that too. so that was one of the times i used up one of my 9 lives-----flashback wavey thing-----. so yeah mtb mondays, i'm definatly gonna go this up coming monday. monday night bowling is going very good, alot of people, there is even talk of setting up tournaments come the fall due to the amount of people. backgammon boozedays, taught tugboat how to play backgammon, and he loved it which is wicked because up until that night it was only me and dorff. oh man, so when i was teaching tugboat, he went up to the bar to get another drink, and this girl offered to buy him a drink. so he gets the drink, and after he gets it, this guy bumps into him and spilled some of wills drink and (tugboat and will are the same person) so the guy says, sorry i'll buy you another, so will gets another, he comes and gets me, yo these girls bought me a drink, come have one, so we go over there, stand there for about 10 seconds and were both like, lets get back to backgammon, so we do. just before we leave we get a bill for those 2 drinks, so shitty that cider drinks had to be paid for. anywho, backgammon boozedays is on its way to becoming a day, allong with horshoe hursdays, we still have to build the horshoe pit at mikejoes. now golfin fridays has had 2 runs, golf is golf but the highlights mikejoe got a chip in birdie, and leblanc holds the lowest score of 47 on a par 34. gord and robby had wicked games for not having played in so long as well. and there you have it, im sure more will be added but this is it for now,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
catch up time
sooooooooooo, were gonna catch up in as few words as possible, annnnd if you are going to read this i want you to take a deep breath and read it as fast as possible like jim carey in ace ventura, its the only way it can be read. here we go. wait how do you spell sucking in air?
im back in keswick, skateboarding as much as i can, getting paid to bowl, golf, watch the office, bike and even getting paid to type this blog,ive started to run cause a marathon would be cool to run in, celebrated my god sons, my sister in laws, my sisters, coopers, dorfs, and adams birthdays,been chilling with the girls of the rad pad(just made that name up) on a weekendly basis,house containing steph,darcy,claire and toni, blind premere was sweet, zoo york premere was easily skipped, learning how to fly, have fallen off a roof, confesed my love for david duchovny, sweaty dance party with jones and coop, got my G1 for the 3rd time, got to see joe get drunk, went to a wakeboarding premere(i know), came across a john lennon and yoko in bed exhibit while so drunk with darcy(i wasnt sure if it was real or dream-24 hr exhibit, sounds like a dream)managed to burn my body, but my feet the worst, they looked like swolen ankles and soooo red, sleeping on a couch, planning on moving to toronto come september, setting up so many skateboards, ruined 2 pairs of pants in two back to back weekends, annnnnnd, hmmm oh yeah on a system for learning soooo many facts.
so there it is, oh yeah i hit 200 bowling too, finally. ever since i made the bowling pin i have been cursed due to me making up the rule that if you get 200 or over you get to write your name on the pin. i hit 200 and over three times before the pin, and hit a score of 199 three times after the pin. so stoked. so youre all caught up, well not fully, but enough me thinks, i'll elaberate on some of the stories that have to be told throughout the next few weeks during the not so exciting days.
now this time i will do my best to write every day, again, no promises, but i'll try.
im back in keswick, skateboarding as much as i can, getting paid to bowl, golf, watch the office, bike and even getting paid to type this blog,ive started to run cause a marathon would be cool to run in, celebrated my god sons, my sister in laws, my sisters, coopers, dorfs, and adams birthdays,been chilling with the girls of the rad pad(just made that name up) on a weekendly basis,house containing steph,darcy,claire and toni, blind premere was sweet, zoo york premere was easily skipped, learning how to fly, have fallen off a roof, confesed my love for david duchovny, sweaty dance party with jones and coop, got my G1 for the 3rd time, got to see joe get drunk, went to a wakeboarding premere(i know), came across a john lennon and yoko in bed exhibit while so drunk with darcy(i wasnt sure if it was real or dream-24 hr exhibit, sounds like a dream)managed to burn my body, but my feet the worst, they looked like swolen ankles and soooo red, sleeping on a couch, planning on moving to toronto come september, setting up so many skateboards, ruined 2 pairs of pants in two back to back weekends, annnnnnd, hmmm oh yeah on a system for learning soooo many facts.
so there it is, oh yeah i hit 200 bowling too, finally. ever since i made the bowling pin i have been cursed due to me making up the rule that if you get 200 or over you get to write your name on the pin. i hit 200 and over three times before the pin, and hit a score of 199 three times after the pin. so stoked. so youre all caught up, well not fully, but enough me thinks, i'll elaberate on some of the stories that have to be told throughout the next few weeks during the not so exciting days.
now this time i will do my best to write every day, again, no promises, but i'll try.
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