so today was quite the good day, mikejoe managed to finish the editing for the doritos commercial this morning. It looks pretty sick, but i guess i have a bias towards it, seeing as i was part of making it. but still, pretty sick. I dont have any new production photos, but maybe i'll ask joe when he gets back from the blue tile hockey game. I went to upload the commercial, but the doritos website was recieving too many commercials, so i had to wait till after work. It was such a nice day me and charley decided to do a little skateboarding before work, best idea ever. we got a good hour of skating in before making our way to the work station. i fucked my board up though trying to do a wallride, i failed to see the edging on the wall and it took a giant bite out of my deck, i'll return the favour somehow. or not. annd yeah, now im just waiting on joe to get back so we can upload the video onto the site, i'll post the link as soon as i get it up and on the doritos website, laaaaaaaaaaterrrrrrrrrrrrr
What happened with the Doritos commercial? Did you guys win? Can we see a link for it?