sorry i have been lazy with the blogs, but i will rectify with 2 yes two stories tonight, maybe 3, who knows, that is the majic number. so the first story im gonna tell you is about friday/saturday dj snugglebots road trip thingy. so the two djs, dario and jeremy, put this little shin dig together where about 75 people took a bus from ottawa to north bay, three and a half hour drive, crammed into id say 15-20 hotel rooms, than made it over to the show, partied our asses off, than went back and raised hell at the hotel, pretty sick set up if i do say so myself. so yeah, i ended up going with my buddy from works girlfriend, charley couldnt come do to illness, major bummer, but yeah so me and alice, all sorts of funny comments and rumours to bother darren flew around all day, darren being alices boyfriend, anywho, bus ride was sick, the bus driver was cool with everyone drinking as long as the beer or whathaveyou didnt return from your stomach back into the bus. 3 and a half hour bus ride with only 6 tall cans, i had to pace myself, especially since the place we were going to has 2 dolla rye and coke/ginger. so we get on the bus and there were 2 familiar faces, adam and maggie, both pretty darn cool people, its always a treat to see adam, hes probly the nicest dude ever, and always makes a good time better. so yeah, the bus ride was pretty sick, drinkin, watching ferris bulers day off cranked so loud, and fun people. so when we got to the hotel me and alice luck out with getting a hotel all to ourselves, too sick, and right next to us were adam, bruce, dec-was his nickname, i never caught his full name- and aaron, he was friggin sick too, it was a wicked bunch to drink with. so we had about 2 hours before leaving for the show, so we played beer pong, than went swimming, i think it was the most dangerous swim ive ever taken part of. it started off harmless enough, diving when your not supposed to, belly flops that should knock you out, and flips back and front into the pool. than it quickly escalated, fisrt, sitting on a chair and leaning back to fall into the pool with the chair, than jumping off the chair, which the chair shot from under his feet and he almost didn't make it into the pool. than off the metal railings for getting out of the pool, agian slipping and almost missing getting into the pool. than when the table started to be climbed on security came in so we booked it out. leaving with an applause given by all the kids who spectaded this event. so we get back and george clooney is there, now not the real george clooney, but a look alike, but had a wife and kids, but he wanted to hang out with us. he was like 50 at least, and just wouldnt stop trying to chill with us, he was a creepy man for sure, funkin george cloony look alike. so yeah than we headed to the show, dec almost died when we were leaving, he went to slide down the hotel railing leading from the second floor to the first and from about half way lost ballance and flipped over the railing, but luckly landed on his feet. it was quite the thing to happen, and than not happen all at once. the show was great, dario and jeremy had some wicked tracks played, it was a great set, good choice of music, and some damn good mixin. i just chilled and watched, i wasnt feelin too good after puking at the hotel. so yeah went back to the hotel and passed right out, other rooms raised hell, but not me, too tired to. wake up call in the morning at 10 after 10, you have 15 minutes until check out, than when the phone hangs up all i hear is giggling like school girls from the room attached to mine, friggin bastards. so i went and joined them and listened to some more pranks, got two people to think they actually had to get out, it was too good, rushing people to pack when there was no need. oh yeah, i forgot to mention, dec also the night before was wallriding from bed to bed, broke one of the beds, which became a fiasco in the morning to cover up, and threw a chair into the wall, which was another elaberate attempt on covering up which aaron did amazingly, couldnt even really tell, i hope it works. so yeah, took the bus back saturday and at a ton of burger king when i got back, i was craving it all weekend, whoppers are so good.